I am a part-time housewife who loves to travel and has been a full-time healthcare worker for over 30 years.
It is not an exaggeration to say that I specialize in how to make delicious and healthy food easily.
When I go on a trip,I unexpectedly find myself wanting to recreate this flavor myself, or just trying to create the same flavor that I like as much as possible.
So, I thought that there might be people who come to Japan and feel the same as I do. I think that Japanese food is really profound.
I think the fact that Japanese food was designated as a World Heritage site is also due to the depth of its food culture. But even if I work full-time and don’t have much time, it’s possible to aim for delicious Japanese food. I would be really happy if you read this blog and become a fan of Japanese food.
On the other hand, I live in the middle of Tokyo, where there are many delicious restaurants. I would like to introduce delicious and easy-to-make dishes, as well as restaurants that I feel are super delicious and reasonable. I hope that you will find this information useful when you visit Tokyo.